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Love. Inspiration. Connection. Encourage. Laugh. Shine. ❤

Hello, my friend! My name is Lillian and this is my blog! I hope to share with all of you my life through posts. I’m a people person. I want to make people happy. What makes me happy is bring people to smile, laugh, and be joyful. I am also a person who wants to connect with people, be a friend to everyone who needs one. I do all of this because I know what it’s like to not have a friend or someone to make you smile. I want to brighten people’s days and making the world better- one smile at a time. Don’t we all want a better world?

Do you need a pick-me-up, a little laugh, some encouragement, or someone who loves what you love? I hope to be all of that for all of you. I hope to become one of your internet stops when you log on to your computer. I want to inspire you. A little sunshine is what every person needs, and I want to be bright for you.

I am 17 and I have great things to do before I turn 18 :). I plan to become a Youth Pastor and a writer, and I feel like I have a special calling towards helping teenaged girls with everything they go through. I want to go to Northpoint Bible College for Church Ministry in Youth. I’m a singer, a dabbler in acting, and a writer. I also LOVE purple! (If you haven’t guessed that yet 😀 ) I love performing and I’m going for my second year in Fine Arts competition come this spring! 🙂 Last year I made it to nationals for my Solo. Well, I’m gonna let my blogging to the rest of the talking!

4 responses to “About”

  1. foreverhis777 says :

    Keep shooting for the stars! I was a young girl too once wanting to make it as a writer. God has been so good to me. Can’t wait to see what He has in store for you! Be strong in the Lord! 🙂

    • growinginprayer07 says :

      Thank you so much!! Any tips for Christian writing? @foreverhis777

      • foreverhis777 says :

        I think, like anything, it is a live and learn process. But start now. Young Salvationist is a publication of Salvation Army. Most of their writers are 18 and under.

        I also recommend getting the Christian Writer’s Market Guide. It is a little pricey around 35 dollars but it is a bevy of information.

        Don’t be ashamed to start small. Everybody does. I love what you have done with your blog. I think you have lots of potential and are very talented. I especially liked your analogy of the closet and mop. 🙂 I write for a few larger Christian blogs. Let me see if we have any guest spots open this year if you like.

        God bless! I’m inspired by you. It’s tough to be a Christian girl in the world these days. But you do it with lots of grace. 🙂 Your mom and dad must be so proud of you!

      • growinginprayer07 says :

        That would be amazing! That’s so sweet of you thank you so much! @foreverhis777

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