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I have began to crochet!


One of my ideas on my bucket list for before I turn 18 is to improve my crochet skills, so I can make more things instead of buying them in my future as an adult. So, it’s been awhile, but I have started to crochet again! I learned 3 years ago, but now I’m really getting into it and I’m hooked! I love it!

You see, every time I crochet I would get annoyed very easily. Because every scarf I tried to make, this is what happened:

IMG_20130306_110901[1] IMAG0076[1]IMAG0074[1]

I’ve also been crocheting every where I go! I brought it to church yesterday and even to friendlys with me:


I worked on  it this morning, so it’s a little longer than the most recent photo, the middle one of the three consecutive ones above. Hopefully I can finish it soon and make more projects with different stitches.

Do you love crochet? Any beginner projects you would like to recommend?

If you would like to learn crochet you should download the app CrochetTube. It helps a lot! 😀

Please, like and comment! Thank you so much for reading!

With love, Lillian ❤