Archive by Author | growinginprayer07

I have began to crochet!


One of my ideas on my bucket list for before I turn 18 is to improve my crochet skills, so I can make more things instead of buying them in my future as an adult. So, it’s been awhile, but I have started to crochet again! I learned 3 years ago, but now I’m really getting into it and I’m hooked! I love it!

You see, every time I crochet I would get annoyed very easily. Because every scarf I tried to make, this is what happened:

IMG_20130306_110901[1] IMAG0076[1]IMAG0074[1]

I’ve also been crocheting every where I go! I brought it to church yesterday and even to friendlys with me:


I worked on  it this morning, so it’s a little longer than the most recent photo, the middle one of the three consecutive ones above. Hopefully I can finish it soon and make more projects with different stitches.

Do you love crochet? Any beginner projects you would like to recommend?

If you would like to learn crochet you should download the app CrochetTube. It helps a lot! 😀

Please, like and comment! Thank you so much for reading!

With love, Lillian ❤

Finally! Blogging!


I have been missing you, wordpressers! I have gotten so caught up in everything this week! I have been so busy. I have been meaning to post! But I never found the time to type away….

But the good news is I have quite a few things to blog about!

I haven’t forgotten about you guys! I’ve been taking pictures and notes throughout this week with this blog in mind. I hope you enjoy what I have come up with! 🙂

But I do feel the need to warn you: I’m going away this weekend. I have a teen girl’s retreat this weekend. But I will probably post A LOT on it. This retreat that I have attended every year since 6th grade (I’m a junior now) have really impacted my life in so many ways, it really helps me to get closer to Jesus time and time again! And I’m praying really hard that it does the same for the other girls who are attending. I believe I’m with an amazing group of girls that have great potential and gifts for the Lord! I hope each of them gets closer to God this weekend and that lives are changed!

I ask you guys to please pray for this trip as well. And pray that there is a great breakthrough to all the girls (hundreds of them) coming this weekend. You’re prayers are very powerful and appreciated.

Thank you so much! I’ll be posting more don’t worry!

~Lillian ❤

IMG_20130305_230430[1]  SMILE! God loves you ❤

Happy Birthday to me!!


Today is my birthday! I turn 17 today! I’m not really that psyched for the number, I enjoyed being sixteen. But hey I get gifts! Hahaha 🙂

One gift God gave me is a day off from school! Yes, I got a snow day on my birthday! 😀 and its not even that much snow which is great for me because I hate snow. I am enjoying a day in my pjs relaxing! I’m gonna make some hot coco!! Hahaha

My friend also gave me her old Vera Bradley wristlet (and its like brand new condition) and an AE gift card!


My friend is so great 🙂 I told everyone that I really only want food haha cause I really do just want food. But I’m really stoked about the card and the wristlet. I hope to blog later about my fashion ideas and what I buy. ( I LOVE shopping… responsibly)

Tomorrow I get my new phone finally. ( My old phone broke when it fell of the window sill awhile ago) My mom insisted on buying me my dream phone, the HTC One X. I feel a little guilty getting such expensive things. My mom does it all the time. Sometimes I just want to right out refuse the gifts! But I always do my best to pay her back, like working around the house. The phone will be pretty cheap though and she gets a discount through her work plus she’s getting a plan with me. I am excited for the phone as well, my friend has it and she adores it.

I am also having a bad day for my health. I kept eyeing the cupcakes on my table and now I guess it’s officially a fat day… I am so going to work it off when I go to the gym.

Thankfully, the snow didn’t stop my boyfriend from coming over to celebrate. You see, we got a tradition. A year ago, he wanted to be mine, and I told him a man has to earn me. (That was January) so he came over for my birthday and took we on a romantic strool. He was there the exact minute I turned 16. (Btw I said yes to him 3 months later… he REALLY earned me) we decided to do that this year too. It was raining and snowing and it was very very cold! My mom thought we were crazy, but we did it anyways and I loved it 🙂

His gift was perfect as well. He bought me a wood box and stained it himself. Its really perfect.

I’m gonna fill it with all the stuff he gives me. I’m also gonna put pictures in the top of it. His gift from last year was even more perfect:

You see, its perfect because he calls me Angel. And he always told me even if he doesn’t get to date me I still have his heart.

I thank God so so sooo much for an amazing birthday!

This girl is AMAZING! Such an amazing message and video! I love it! Words to live by ❤

Living Free

The friends around you change a lot in school; although saying that, I have a friend who lives in Germany and her friendship group has relatively stayed the same over the years, seeing as she only has 7 people in her form. I, however, have 31 (including me) fellow pupils in my form, and around 200 in my entire year group. The making and breaking of friendships are made easy due to the vast amounts of people you could easily avoid after a fight and not feel any pressure to make-up with due to some very handy replacement “friends” walking around.

Don’t worry, I’m mature enough in Christ not to go about doing that nowadays, nonetheless the circle of people I usually talk to has seemingly widened as of late.

It’s a long story, however suffice to say – God is opening strange doors in my life. I’m having to…

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Words every girl needs to hear ❤

Grace Alone: Ministering to the Hearts of Women

Loves Letters

Today I want to share with you another excerpt from Notes from God for a Woman’s Heart. From Warner Press’s Care and Share the Heart of God line, our goal is make encouragement easy and affordable for all women. Print out this post for the fridge or pass it on to a friend. Remember God loves you and takes great pride in you JUST the way you are. You are NOT a mistake! You are made with His craftsmanship – the Master’s masterpiece . . . equipped for every good work!


Ludwig Van Beethoven was not only deaf but lived with the constant suffering of whistling and whirring noises in his ears. Though Beethoven could not hear his own music he would go on to write some of the most famous symphonies in history and be heard by more ears than any other composer.

You are not a mistake.

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I love this band! Sound so beautiful and they are genuine women of God! 😀

Just Another Day…

I love Tuesdays 🙂 I get to go to youth group every Tuesday night and sing in the Worship Team. I absolutely adore worship! I love just getting into God’s presence and just thanking him for everything! The Spirit was moving heavily and we had a great testimony from one of my guy friends 🙂

I am also in a drama class for youth group and I got to perform a script I wrote 🙂 I was an emotional pregnant woman and it was hilarious! I had a lot of fun!

Well that’s all I got for today I guess… God bless!!

This is actually a topic I have recently been thinking about…. I feel that the Girl Power movement is moving way too far and hindering girls and their relationships majorly.

Peaceful Single Girl



At its core, femininity is about being receptive, open, full of wonder,  gentle, soft, delicate, beautiful, graceful, peaceful, nurturing, priceless, worthy of being adored and cherished physically, emotionally and spiritually. God designed women to represent the kind of devotion, love, reverence, adoration and willingness to submit that God desires His people to have for Christ.

A Counter-Intuitive Brand of Power and Influence

God gave women a more subtle kind of power than He gave men. But our power in romantic relationships is almost unimaginable to attract and draw our men towards us if we can tap into our abilities to use our immense verbal skills to build up our men, to praise them for everything we see that we appreciate and admire, and if we are willing to step down from the leadership role and become cheerful, joyful, prayerful, willing followers.

We respond to their initiatives.  We allow them to lead…

View original post 1,400 more words

One Day: I Miss February Break

I’m not a morning person. I tried and failed for maybe the hundredth time to wake up at 5:30 this morning and was awoken by my brother at 6:30 instead. This morning, like all school-day mornings, was rushed and stressful.

I was almost late for school because the bathroom was taken. Unlike most homes with a teenaged girl, it’s the father that takes hours in the bathroom and the daughter takes 10 minutes. My father went into the bathroom and I reminded him that I had to be to the school in 15 minutes. He must have forgotten this fact from Point A to Point B, because he proceeded to take a shower. Being half-awake, it took him 10 minutes. When the door finally opened, I dashed in the bathroom and started up the straightener.

“Five minutes Dad.” I said, and he responded with an annoying gasp.

I made excellent timing really. Did all my duties and straightened my hair (I don’t commonly wear make up) in 4 minutes. My bag was ready in the kitchen, along with my coat. I had to return to the bathroom to put in my contacts, and my dad got my moccasins for me, which, reasons I was unaware of, were in the basement. I found the reason when my toes slipped into the slipper like shoes.

“Why are my shoes sticky?!”

“Uhhh…. your sister spilled root beer on them.”

URG! So my sister, who’s eleven by the way (eleven!!), spilt soda on my shoes, (Why she had soda I don’t know) so I had to switch to my (fake and uncomfortable) converse shoes.

But once I got to school, I couldn’t complain, I had a decent day. Don’t get me wrong, it was awful, long and strenuous, but it was okay.

I did have one incident, but I dealt with it easily and calmly. The sophomore class is holding a talent show and put the wrong dates on the papers. I have a dress rehearsal Thursday and no track yet. So I filled out the papers and handed them in, and I have a download I just have to talk to my mother about before I buy. I decided to sing Mirror by Barlow Girl, a song close to my heart.  Now I am excited! I just have to rehearse A LOT.

After school I went to the gym with my brother and my cousin. We were very confused and awkward seeing we are still not familiar with all the machines. However, it was a lot of fun! I am working towards being healthy 🙂 I’m not shooting for a number or a size; I’m working to be healthy and treat the Holy Spirit’s Temple well. And of course there’s a lot of side effects I don’t want that comes with an unhealthy life style. 🙂 I feel great already!

Well, that’s all I have for today. How was your day?

God bless you all! ❤ ~Lillian

Sunday Evening Service


So we had a great evening service! The Spirit was great and powerful! Due to the snow again (it snowed more) only 7 people came. But if two or three are gathered for God the Lord is there!

I also experienced a miracle as I sang. One of our last songs was given to me as a solo (which we did not rehearse). I took it down to a low belt and it was great! Then suddenly a long long note that I didn’t take a good breath for- but it came out beautifully with ease!

I love leading worship!!